Construction industry acronyms - C
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'C'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] C
C&I - Commercial And Industrial
c. - Circa
CAAV - Central Association Of Agricultural Valuers
CAC - Cold Aisle Containment
CAR - Cladding Assurance Register
CAS - Cheshire Agricultural Society
CAZ - Clean Air Zone
CB - Carbon Budget
CBC - Church Buildings Council
CBOA - Commercial Boat Operators Association
CC - Climate Change
CCA+R - Climate Change Adaptation And Resilience
CCC - Committee On Climate Change / Climate Change Committee
CCG - Clinical Commissioning Group
CCGT - Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
CCHRBA - Culcheth And Croft Horse Riders And Bridleways Association
CCI - Community Conservation Index
CCR - Climate Change Resilience
CCRA - Climate Change Risk Assessment
CCT - Cheshire Canal Trust
CCTV - Closed
CCUS - Carbon Capture and Storage
CDCC - Centralised Data Communication Company
CDE - Common Data Environment
CDEW - Construction, Demolition And Excavation Waste
CDM - Construction (Design And Management) 2015 Regulations
CEM - Clean Energy Ministerial
CEMFAW - Control Of Electromagnetic Fields At Work
CET - Controlled Emission Toilet
CfBT - Campaign For Better Transport
CfD - Contracts for Difference
CFMP - Catchment Flood Management Plan
CGT - Cheshire Gardens Trust
CI - Cast Iron
CIEEM - Chartered Institute Of Ecology And Environmental Management
CIfA - Chartered Institute For Archaeologists
CIRIA - Construction Industry Research And Information Association
CITE - Construction Industry Trading Electronically
CL:AIRE - Contaminated Land: Applications In Real Environments
CLA - Country Land And Business Association
CLEA - Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment
CoA - Coal Authority
CoCP - Code Of Construction Practice
COMAH - Control Of Major Accident Hazards
COMEAP - Committee On The Medical Effects Of Air Pollutants
Convention - On Climate Change
COP21 - 21st Conference Of The Parties Of The United Nations Framework
CoPA - Control Of Pollution Act 1974
CPRE - Campaign To Protect Rural England
CRE - Contract Requirements Environment
CRN - Calculation Of Railway Noise
CRTN - Calculation Of Road Traffic Noise
CSM - Conceptual Site Model
CSNP - Centralised Strategic Network Plan
CSS - Countryside Stewardship Scheme
CSS - Cladding Safety Scheme
C to C - Centre to Centre
C&D - Construction and Demolition
C&DW - Construction & Demolition Waste.
C/C - Centre to Centre
c/o - Care Of
CA - Certifying authority
CA - Confidentiality Agreement
CAA - Clean Air Act
CAA - Commonwealth Association of Architects
CAA - Conservation Area Audit
CAAV - The Central Association of Agricultural Valuers
CAB - Cabinet
CABA - Continental Automated Buildings Association CABA.
CABE - Chartered Association of Building Engineers
CABE - Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (See Design Council)
CABR - Chinese Academy of Building Research
CAC - Conservation Area Consent
Caco - calcium carbonate
CAD/CAM - Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing
CADD - Computer Aided Design and Draughting
CADR - Clean air delivery rate
CAE - Computer Aided Engineering
CAFM - Computer Aided Facility Management
CAGR - Compound Annual Growth Rate
CAI - Cold Air Intake
CAI - Contract Administrator's Instructions
CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAM - Control Account Manager
CAN - Contract Award Notice
CAP - Common Agricultural Policy
CAP - Commonwealth Association of Planners
CAP - Conflict Avoidance Pledge
CAP- Climate-Altering Pollutants
CAPS - Computer aided planning system
CAPT - Continuous Accessible Paths of Travel
CAR - Controlled Activity Regulations
CARRS - Civil Asset Register and electronic Reporting System.
CARS - Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme
CAS - Common Assessment Standard
CaSL - Cancelations and Significant Lateness Measure
Caso - calcium sulphate
Cat - Category (i.e. Cat 6 Cable)
CATS - Credit Award Transfer System
CAV - Constant Air Volume.
CAWR - Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations
CAWS - Common Arrangement of Work Sections
CAZ - Central Activities Zone
CBA - Cost-benefit analysis
CBCA - Chilled Beams and Ceilings Association
CBDM - Climate Based Daylight modelling
CBF - Close Boarded Fence
CBGM - cement bound granular mixture
CBI - Confederation of British Industry
CBM - Condition-Based Maintenance
CBO - Community Based Organisation
CBP - Construction best practice
CBPP - concrete block permeable paving
CBR - California bearing ratio
CBR - Chemical, Biological, Radiological
CBW - Concrete Block Wall
CC - Centre to Centre
CC - Clear Coat (paint)
CC - Compliance Criteria
CC - Construction Confederation
CC - Contractor Client
CCA - Coastal Character Assessment
CCC - Confederation of Construction Clients
CCC - Current Construction Costs
CCD - Climate-Compatible Development
CCE - Computer controlled equipment
CCF - Construction Clients Forum
CCGT - Close Cycle Gas Turbine
CCGT - Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
CCH - Construction and Housing Code CCH (French building code)
CCHP - Combined Cooling, Heating & Power
CCM - Copper Composite Material
CCNSG - Client Contractor National Safety Group
CCOU - Construction Central Operations Unit
CCP - Contractor's Change Proposals
CCPI - Code for Construction Product Information
CCS - Carbon Capture and Storage
CCS - Considerate Constructors Scheme
CCS - Crown Commercial Service
CCS/U - Carbon Capture and Storage or Use
CCT - Circuit
CCT - Compulsory Competitive Tendering
CCT - Construction Collaboration Technology
CCT - Correlated Colour Temperature
CCTV - Closed Circuit Television
CCU - Carbon Dioxide Capture and Utilisation.
CCUS - Carbon Capture Use and Storage / Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage
CD - Completion Date
CD - Construction Document
CD - Consultation Document
CD - Contract Date
CD/C&D - Construction and Demolition
CDA - Client Design Advisor
CDA - Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement
CDC - Cherwell District Council
CDD - Cooling Degree Days
CDE - Common Data Environment
CDEL - Capital Departmental Expenditure Limit
CDEW - construction demolition and excavation waste
CDM - Clean Development Mechanism
CDM - Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
CDMA - Collision Detection Multiple Access
CDMC - Construction Design Management Coordinator
CDP - Contractor's Design Portion
CDPA - Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988
CDR - Carbon Dioxide Removal
CDRP - Community Design Review Panel.
CE - Communauté Européenne, sometimes taken to stand for Conformité Européenne
CE - Conditions of Engagement
CEA - cost-effectiveness analysis
CECA - Civil Engineering Contractors Association
CED - Community Economic Development
CEEC - Central and Eastern European countries
CEEQUAL - The Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment & Award Scheme
CEFA - Civil Examination Framework Agreement
CEH - Centre for Ecology adn Hydrology
CEM I - Portland Cement
CEMP - Construction Environmental Management Plan
CEN - Comité Européen de Normalisation
CEng - Chartered Engineer
CERT - Carbon Emissions Reduction Target
CES - Conveyance Estimation System
CESMM - Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement
CESMM3 - Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement, Third Edition
CESMM4 - Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement, Fourth Edition
CESP - Community Energy Saving Programme.
CESWI - Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry
CFA - Continuous Fight Augured
CFC - Chlorofluorocarbon
CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics
CfD - Contracts for Difference
CFL - Compact Fluorescent Lamp
CFL - Counter flashing
CFR - Constant Flow Regulator
CFRP - Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic
CFRP - Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer
CfSH - Code for Sustainable Homes
Cfu - Colony forming unit
CFW - Continuous Fillet Weld
CGA - coarse-graded aggregate
CGI - Computer Generated Imagery
CGI - Corrugated Galvanized Iron
CGN - China General Nuclear Corporation
CGT - Capital Gains Tax
CH - Communal heating.
CH - Cooker Hood
CHANs - Chemical Hazard Alert Notices
CHAS - Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme
ChDC - Chiltern District Council
CHNL - Channel
CHPQA - Combined Heat & Power Quality Assessment
CHS - Circular Hollow Section
CHSW - Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996
CHW - Chilled Water
CI - Construction Inspector
CI - Critical Information
CI - Cumulative Illuminance
CI/SfB - Construction Index / Samarbetskommitten for Byggnadsfragor
CIAT - Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists
CIBSE - Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
CIC - Community Interest Company
CIC - Construction Industry Council
CICAIR - Construction Industry Council Approved Inspectors Register
CICES - Chartered Institute of Civil Engineering Surveyors
CIE - Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage
CIE - Control and Indicating Equipment
CIF - Corrugated Iron Fence
CIGA - Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency
CIH - Construction Innovation Hub
CIL - Community Infrastructure Levy
CILL - Construction Industry Law Letter
CIMAR - Construction Industry Model Arbitration Rules
CIO - Charitable Incorporated Organisation
CIOB - Chartered Institute of Building
CIP - Cast In Place
CIP - Continuous Improvement Process
CIS - Construction Industry Scheme
CISAC - Construction Industrial Strategy Advisory Council
CITB - The Construction Industry Training Board
CJ - Construction Joint
CL - Centre Line
CLASP - Consortium of Local Authorities Special Programme
CLAW - Control of Lead at Work Regulations
CLC - Construction Leadership Council.
CLEUD - Certificate of Lawfulness of Existing Use or Development
CLF - Chain Link Fence
CLG - Ceiling
CLG - Department for Communities and Local Government (now the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)
CLGF - Commonwealth Local Government Forum
CLGHP - Closed Loop Geothermal Heat Pump
CLI - Employers' Liability Compulsory Insurance Act 1969
CLOCS - Construction Logistics and Community Safety
CLoHAM - Central London Highway Assignment Model
CLOPUD - Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development
CLP - Classification Packaging and Labelling
CLP - Construction Logistics Plan
CLP - Cost Led Procurement
CLR - Clearance
CLR - Contaminated Land Report
CLS - Canadian Lumber Standard
CLT - Cross Laminated Timber
CLTE - Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion
CLVIA - Cumulative Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
CM - Case manager
CM/A - Construction Management Appointment
CM/TC - Construction Management Trade Contract
CMA - Competition and Markets Authority
CMCP - Certified Manager of Commercial Properties
CME - Chloromethyl ether
cMEV - Centralised Mechanical Extract Ventilation
CML - Council of Mortgage Lenders
CMP - Conservation Management Plan
CMP - Construction Management Plan
CMPR - Construction Management Process Reengineering
CMS - Client Monitoring Services
CMS - Common Minimum Standards
CMS - Construction Method Statement
CMT - Client Monitoring Team
CMT - Construction Management Technology
CMU - Concrete Masonry Unit
CN - Contest Notice
CN - Contract Notice
CN - Cyanide
CNC - Computer Numerical Control
CNCA - Corporate Natural Capital Accounting
CNG - Compressed Natural Gas
CNI - Critical National Infrastructure
CNN - The County Councils Network
CO - Carbon monoxide
CO - Care Of
CO - Change Order
CO - Conservation Officer
COBie - Construction Operations Building Information Exchange
COC - Certificate of Completion
COC - Certificate of Compliance
COC - Certificate of Conformance/Conformity
CoC - Chain of Custody
COC - Code of Conduct
CoCC - Committee on Climate Change
COD - chemical oxygen demand
CoE - Communities of Experience
COGS - Cost Of Goods Sold
COHb - Carboxyhaemoglobin
COI - Certificate of Immunity
COI - Certificate of Immunity (listed buildings)
COIN - Corporate Operational Information
COINS - Constructive Objects and the INtegration of processes and Systems
COL - Certificate of Lawfulness (listed buildings)
COL - Column
COM - Customer's Own Material
COMEAP - Committee of Medical Effects of Air Pollution
COMP - Change Order Management Procedure
COMPR - Compressible
CONC - Concrete
CONIAC - Construction Industry Advisory Committee (part of HSE)
ConLR - Construction Law Reports
CONT - Continuous
COO - Certificate of Origin.
CoP - Coefficient of Performance
COP - Conference of Parties
COPA - Control of Pollution Act
COR - Change Order Request
CORGI - Council for Registered Gas Installers
COSHH - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
COT - Certificate of Title
COT - Commercial Off The Shelf
COT - Computer Operator Terminal
COT - Conditions of Tender
COTAC - Council on Training in Architectural Conservation,
COTS - Commercial Off The Shelf
CoW - Clerk of Works
CP - Cadastral Parcel
CP - Cement Particle
CP - Code of Practice
CP - Communications provider
CP - Conservation Plan
CP - Construction Permit
CP - Critical Path
CPA - Construction Products Association
CPA - Critical Path Analysis
CPAP - Construction Product Approval Process
CPB - Central Purchasing Body
CPC - Chemical protective clothing
CPD - Construction Products Directive
CPD - Continued Professional Development
CPDA - Crime Prevention Design Advisor
CPE - Chlorinated Polyethylene (water tanks)
CPET - Central Point of Expertise on Timber
CPI - Construction Product Information
CPI - Co-ordinated Project Information
CPIC - Construction Project Information Committee
CPIx - Construction Project Information Exchange
CPL - Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Dangerous Substances Regulations 1984
CPL - Continuous Pressure Laminate
CPM - Construction Project Management
CPM - Construction Project Manager
CPMS - Construction Project Management Software
CPN - Critical Path Network
CPO - Compulsory Purchase Order
CPP - Construction Phase Plan
CPR - Civil Procedure Rules
CPR - Construction Products Regulation
CPR - Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations
CPS - Competent Persons Scheme (Building Control)
CPT - Carpet
CPTED - Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CPVC - Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride
CQA - Construction Quality Assurance.
CQP - Construction Quality Planning
CR - Clash Rendition
CRA - Corrosion resistant alloy
CRAC - Computer Room Air Conditioning
CRB - Community Right to Build
CRBO - Community Right to Build Order
CRC - Coloured radiative cooler
CRDP - Climate-Resilient Development Pathways
CRDS - Certified Remedial Damp Surveyor
CRE - Corporate Real Estate
CRe - Customer Representative
CRECI - Commercial Real Estate Certification Institute
CRF - Change Request Form
CRI - Colour Rendering Index
CRISP - Construction Research and Innovation Strategy Panel (now the National Platform for the Built Environment)
CRL - Chancel Repair Liability.
CRM - Conservation, Repair & Maintenance
CRM - Customer Relationship Management
CRMP - Corporate Relationship Management Plan
CRO - Construction Related Occupation
CROME - Construction, Renewal, Operation, Maintenance and End-of-life costs
CROSS-UK - Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures UK
CRoW - Countryside and Rights of Way (Act, 2000)
CRP - Community Review Panel
CRP - Corporate Resolution Planning
CRREM - Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor
CRS - Cold Rolled Steel
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
CRtB - Community Right to Build
CRW - Concrete Retaining Wall
CS - Cast Steel
CS - Commissioning Set
CS - Construction Safety
CS - Core Strategy
CS - Cross Section
CSA - Climate-Smart Agriculture
CSA - Contract Sum Analysis
cSAC - candidate Special Area of Conservation
CSCS - Construction Skills Certificate Scheme
CSCW - Computer-supported Cooperative Work
CSF - Critical Success Factors
CSG - Competency Steering Group
CSH - Code for Sustainable Homes
CSIC - Cambridge Smart Infrastructure and Construction
CSO - Combined Sewer Overflow
CSP - Canadian Softwood Plywood
CSP - Concentrated Solar Power
CSR - Comprehensive Spending Review
CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility
CSRE - Cement-stabilised rammed earth
CSRT - Certified Surveyor in Remedial Treatment
CSSW - Certified Surveyor in Structural Waterproofing
CSUS - Chinese Society for Urban Studies
CSW - Ceramic Sanitary Ware
CSWIP - Certification Scheme Weldment Inspection Personnel
CT - Ceramic Tile
CT - Consultant Team
CTBO - Carbon Takeback Obligation
CTC - Centre to Centre
CTDS - Connection Tunnel Drive Site
CTE - Connect to Existing
CTF - Construction Task Force
CTMP - Construction Traffic Management Plan
CTPV - Coal Tar Pitch Volatiles
CTR - Centre
CTRL - Channel Tunnel Rail Link
CTSA - Counter Terrorism Security Adviser
CU - Column Under
CU - Condenser / Condensing Unit
CU - Consumer Unit
CV - Calorific Value.
CV - Commissioning Valve
CV - Contingent Valuation
CV - Cost Variance
CV - Curriculum Vitae
CVA - Clear Ventilation Area
CVA - Company Voluntary Arrangement
CVAS - Controlled Ventilation Area System
CVCHA - Castle Vale Community Housing Association
CVD - Constant Volume Damper
CVI - Confirmation of Verbal Instruction
CVL - Creditors Voluntary Liquidation
CVR - Cost Value Reconciliation
CVTRA - Castle Vale Tenants & Residents Alliance
CW - Cold Water
CWE - Collaborative Working Environment
CWI - catchment wetness index
CWP - Circulating Water Pump
CWS - Cold Water Services
CxM - Commissioning manager
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Issues explained via a series of FAQs.